At VMworld 2014 this year, a new hyperconverged infrastructure appliance emerged. This appliance brings together storage, networking and compute for an easy to manage IT infrastructure. A simple and powerful appliance taking a large step in the SDDC direction. When you no longer have to manage hardware, you can focus more on applications and data.
I put together this page as a central point for as much EVO information that I can find. Let me know if you find something else you would like me to add to this page, and I will continue to add information as I find it.
Official Product Page: http://www.vmware.com/products/evorail
Marco Broeken – http://www.vclouds.nl/vmworld-2014-introducing-vmware-evo-rail/
Julian Wood – http://www.wooditwork.com/2014/08/25/vmware-marvin-comes-alive-evorail-hyper-converged-infrastructure-appliance/
Chris Wahl – http://wahlnetwork.com/2014/08/25/evo-rail/
– http://www.enterprisetech.com/2014/08/25/vmware-takes-hyperconvergence-upstarts-evorail/
– http://blogs.vmware.com/euc/2014/08/vmware-horizon-and-evo-rail.html
Project “MARVIN” stands for: Modular Automated Rackable Virtual Infrastructure Node.
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