EMC World 2016 BioHack Hangover

EMC World Biohacks for Hangovers

As we get ready for EMC World 2016 we are already anticipating long days of sessions and networking as well as long nights of social events and just vegas in general. I was recently listening to a Tim Ferriss podcast on he survived the SXSW conference and it appeared very relevant to a week at EMC World.

Let’s get into it! If you have ever “time traveled” while drinking you probably experienced a lack of vasopressin. Vassopressin is a hormone that is related to short term memory and is suppressed when ethanol (alcohol) is introduced into the body. In order to reduce the effects of this here are 4 things you can do during EMC world to help reduce the after effects of late night drinking:

  1. Water – your best rule of thumb is to drink at least one glass of water per alcoholic drink. Maintaining hydration is your biggest key to waking up without a headache.
  2. Guacamole – Drinking depletes the body of necessary potassium, and avocados are rich with it. Avocados are also full of fiber, healthy fats, and B6 vitamins to help get your muscle function back on track and keep sodium at bay.
  3. Clean Drinks – You are what you eat and you feel what you drink 😉 Tim recommends drinking a “NorCal Margarita”  which is a lightweight way to drink a margarita without sacrificing the alcohol. A typical margarita packs in 250-300 calories per drink, along with sugars, high fructose corn syrup, and a ton of artificial ingredients in the margarita mix. A NorCal margarita has only 3 ingredients: tequila, club soda, and lime.
    • The tequila being used is fermented agave juice, both gluten and starch free
    • The lime juice blunts the insulin response of alcohol
    • The carbon dioxide bubbles in the club soda help to deliver the ethanol to your blood stream quicker, thus you drink less with the same effect
  4. Burnt Toast – If you are really feeling rough, burn some toast in the morning and scrape the burnt toast into some yogurt. The carbon from the burnt toast will help to absorb alcohol and other toxins in your body to help you get back on your feet.

Sleep also helps, so make sure you “nap” when you can. I hope those tips help you experience EMC World to its fullest, and if you have any other tips or suggestions feel free to comment below and make sure to share this article with your co-workers.


2 responses to “EMC World Biohacks for Hangovers”

  1. Mark Browne Avatar
    Mark Browne

    Its worth investing in Activated Charcoal capsules, vitamin C tablets. Then you can enjoy your toast and avoid bemused looks. 🙂

    1. I didn’t realize they had activated charcoal capsules, might have to try those out.

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